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child attending SPWT hospital for emergency care

Blood tests being taken at SPWT Laboratory

Digital xrays are done for high quality investigations

A patient suffering from arsenicosis. Parts of Bangladesh especially where SPWT operates suffers from naturally occurring arsenic poisoning in the ground water

MUAC screening for malnutrition in the community

crossing the river to do a mobile clinic

health education being conducted at a mobile clinic

mobile clinic

child being given oxygen to be treated for pneumonia

Since 2003 the SPWT health complex has seen over 230,000 patients, with over 90% of them living in extreme poverty, less than $2 per day. Currently 230 babies are born each month at SPWT.

SPWT provides

  • primary health care 7 days a week

  • 24 hour inpatient and emergency care

  • comprehensive maternal healthcare with full services for complicated deliveries.

  • pathology laboratory services

  • investigative unit including X-ray and ultra sound scan

  • regular specialist outpatient clinics for orthopaedics, pain management and ENT

  • clinics providing prosthesis for amputees

Women's Lives Count
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