In rural Bangladesh, receiving health care is hard.
Getting specialist care during pregnancy is either
unavailable or unaffordable.

In Sarishabari where SPWT's programmes run

there is no other health facility
that helps women during a complicated delivery
without SPWT
over 1900 women would
NOT have access to life saving surgery
this year if the worst happens and things go wrong when they give birth.

Fatima does not know where she will go if something goes wrong during childbirth.

Aleya travelled 8 hours to get to SPWT

Nasrin and her mother fear the time when she is due to deliver. SPWT, the nearest health facility, is 6 hours away by boat and bike.

Fatima does not know where she will go if something goes wrong during childbirth.

SPWT believes that

Help us raise £100,000
To give comprehensive care to women during pregnancy and after
provide life saving surgery at SPWT Hospital 24 hours a day for complications during delivery
help a newborn survive a difficult birth
change the belief that it's ok to risk a mother's life when they give birth

Women's lives count.
They need to be remembered, included and prioritised.
They shouldn't have to risk their lives just to give birth.

says Dr B. A. Siddique, one of the founders of SPWT. "She died giving birth to me. This is why we are here, to make sure this doesn't happen again."
"It is not fair," says Mrs B.N. Pasha older sister to Dr Siddique and co-founder of SPWT "and it is not right that women still don't get the care they need because they are poor or because their area is not developed. After all that has improved and advanced, this must change."

SPWT helps
230 women
a month
deliver their baby

£10 a month can help a woman receive life saving surgery
£50 month can help run a 10 bed ward
£100 pounds can ensure clean sterilisation
£10,000 can equip an operating theater

SPWT has been serving the population in Sarishabari for over 15 years. Over 90% of patients seen in our clinic live below the poverty line surviving on less than $2 per day. SPWT provides primary healthcare, community outreach, laboratory and investigative services as well as inpatient and emergency care including complete maternal health care. The large costs of this are a challenge but already through private donations, working with Akiz Industries and other sponsors SPWT have a hospital where 24 medical emergency care is given. The challenge now is to continuously bring obstetric and surgical care to women in their greatest time of need.